National Cluster for Intelligent Transport and Energy Systems (NCITES)
is a voluntary association of legal and natural persons established in 2014.
Tasks and activities
The aim is to achieve a more efficient concentration of resources to improve competitiveness and expand the range of resources of each individual participant.
To develop scientific and practical projects in the field of Intelligent Control Systems.
The Association aims to participate actively in the production and implementation of national and European standards related to the management systems of intelligent transport and energy systems.
NCITES is organized on a technological, market and geographic basis. It covers mainly companies in telecommunications, information technology, transport and energy technical infrastructure.
NCITES cooperates closely with research, training and engineering organizations, as well as with organizations representing business; it develops and implement innovative solutions that domineer in European infrastructure.
Since February 2017, the National Cluster for Intelligent Transport and Energy Systems was successfully categorized by the Ministry of Economics, Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the "Cluster Expansion" category.